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Read Pierce, MD

Read Pierce loves intersections that evoke paradox. As a history and chemistry major in college, he became fascinated by different ways of seeing, thinking, and being in the world—and how inhabiting a “both and” space, rather than selecting a singular point of view, can allow us to create more sustainable, whole, and productive communities and systems. Uncovering powerful questions that ask us hold and engage interdependent opposites are one of his favorite and most energizing pursuits. 

Read serves as Denver Health’s chief quality officer and oversees the health system’s clinical quality and patient safety programs; and is a member of the Care Collaboratory Guiding Coalition. He recently was faculty at The Dell Medical School at the University of Texas at Austin, where he was chief of hospital medicine, associate chair of internal medicine for Faculty Development and Wellbeing and an enthusiastic clinical collaborator with the Design Institute for Health. He simultaneously holds faculty appointments at the Tulane University School of Public Health and University of Colorado, Denver School of Business. He is an experienced clinician, healthcare leader, coach and facilitator who enjoys fostering transformation of organizational culture and complex clinical systems, with particular attention to the thriving of human beings working in those systems.