Gene Beyt, MD, MS
Founder - Care Collaboratory
Gene Beyt is a visual artist with a mission to put human flourishing and wellbeing at the center of all that we do. His initial interest in photography and pen and ink drawing began as a child and developed while in medical school. His photographs have been paired with poetry in the tradition of physician novelist Walker Percy, and his work has appeared in national publications and in gallery collections. Gene uses images, words, music, moments and memories to inform his art and storytelling. He discovers and shares the beauty of our human experience in Aesculapius Editions, and his current work can be seen here.
Gene is also faculty at Tulane University School of Public Health. He facilitates sessions on authentic leadership, organizational aesthetics, positive change, and designing innovative and learning healthcare organizations. His honors include Alpha Omega Alpha, outstanding teacher in Tulane’s MMM Program, and outstanding MD/MPH faculty advisor at Tulane School of Medicine. His complete academic bio can be found here.
Gene is a member of the Care Collaboratory’s Guiding Coalition, and hosts our arts-based discovery events and partnerships.